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Jetty/JBoss? FAQGeneralWeb ApplicationsSession ManagementConfigurationSecurityTroubleShootingJ[ava] S[erver] P[ages]MiscellaneousResourcesCommercialWhat is the scope of this FAQ? (revised: 02/06/2003)Anything Jetty/JBoss specific.I'm not going to waste bandwidth talking all about standard J2EE - there are 1001 books and websites where you can find this. I will touch on proprietary Jetty features, but usually with a link back to the Jetty website where there is a wealth of documentation (jetty.mortbay.org). I will also touch on proprietary JBoss features, but once again, the JBoss Project would be a better place to look for this sort of documentation. Now that we have narrowed it down a bit - let's begin....
What is Jetty? (revised: 02/06/2003)A pure Java, HTTP1.1 httpd, Servlet 2.3 & JSP 1.2 WebContainer. In short a 100% pure Java and elegant solution to serving static and dynamic web content. See jetty.mortbay.org for more information.
What is the difference between JBossWeb and Jetty ? (revised: 02/06/2003)A very thin bridging layer - JBossWeb is the JBoss Web Service - currently implemented using a tailored Jetty instance.
Why would I want to use Jetty instead of Tomcat/Catalina? (revised: 02/06/2003)Tomcat and Jetty's missions are very different. Tomcat's is to define the standard behaviour of a J2EE-compliant web-container. Jetty's is to deliver this behaviour in as fast, lightweight, and embeddable solution as possible.I happen to think that Jetty's mission fits better with JBoss' requirements. The Jetty developer community see it as a priority to integrate as tightly and as usefully as possible with JBoss, whilst continuing to provide standalone Jetty to a wider audience with similar requirements for an embedded Java HTTP server and Web-Container. Tomcat's priorities probably lie elsewhere. Take your pick....
Will I have trouble moving my WebApp from Tomcat to Jetty (revised: 02/06/2003)Provided that you have not used any proprietary features, you should experience no difference. The two provide implementations of the same APIs and both are tested against jakarta-watchdog, a suite of hundreds of test cases, to ensure compliance. If, by mischance, you do happen to come across a difference in behaviour between the two, mail with a clear and specific explanation of this difference and the Jetty development team will do their best to resolve it. If you have taken advantage of Tomcat proprietary features, you should browse through the Jetty doc. You will find that most of them can be reproduced via proprietary configuration of Jetty. If you find an important one that con't - please tell us.
How do I run the Jetty integration? (revised: 02/06/2003)Just start JBoss3. Jetty should deploy from the jbossweb.sar. The HTTP server will be on 8080 by default. Try hitting http://localhost:8080/. This and other proprietary features are configurable in META-INF/jboss-service.xml which you will find in ...deploy/jbossweb.sar. Edit it, save it. JBoss will notice, reload and restart Jetty with it's new configuration. Alternatively, for more ephemeral alterations you can use the JMX HTML Adaptor.
How do I configure Jetty ? (revised: 02/06/2003)Jetty has a long history and was around well before Servlet 2.2? when we finally got a standard deployment descriptor (web.xml). Therefore it has a proprietary configuration format (held in etc/jetty.xml in standalone Jetty and .../deploy/jbossweb.sar/META-INF/jboss-service.xml#ConfigurationElement in Jetty/JBoss).Whilst this mechanism can be used to actually deploy webapps, doing so will FORFEIT all advantages of the Jetty/JBoss integration, since it bypasses them. These include support for ENC JNDI bindings, optimised web-ejb calls, JBoss aware JSP classpath amd much, much more. Only use this mechanism to deploy webapps if you fully understand what you are doing. So, deploy your webapps through the standard J2EE/JBoss mechanisms, by putting them in a war or ear and dropping them into your deploy dir etc... In order to configure proprietary aspects of Jetty not covered by the servlet or jsp specs, feel free to dip into the configuration mechanism. You will need the Jetty javadoc to hand, and a little patience to start with, since the xml is simply a veneer directly over Jetty's java API, which just introspects and calls methods on the underlying objects as it is parsed. You WILL grow to love this, as short of an embedded language (which this actually amounts to) you will find no more powerful way to configure your server. The jbossweb.sar also contains a webdefault.xml. This is written in terms of a standard J2EE web.xml and is applied to every webapp before it's own web.xml. It contains default settings for e.g. the invoker servlet and the JSP engine. Aswell as the standard WEB-INF/web.xml Jetty will read a WEB-INF/jetty-web.xml (or web-jetty.xml). This is written in Jetty's proprietary configuration format and will be applied directly to your webapp's Context before it is started. This allows you very fine-grained control over such things as SessionManagement etc...
Why is Jetty packaged in a .SAR ? (revised: 02/06/2003)Because it is a useful way of encapsulating all the components that form the Jetty service.If you really don't like it, move all the jars inside into ./lib and the jboss-service.xml to e.g. ./deploy/jbossweb-service.xml There is a newer version of Jetty out - I want to upgrade. (revised: 02/06/2003)Rather than wait for a new JBoss release, you can probably just pull down the new Jetty release and substitute the jars you currently have in .../deploy/jbossweb.sar with the ones in the new release. Pay attention to any notes about API changes as these may affect either the integration code (in which case you will have to wait for me to update JBoss cvs) or the Jetty/JBoss configuration (in which case, if you are feeling brave, you should be able to fix your own configuration). Now you are living on the edge !N.B. Standalone Jetty's MANIFEST.MF points to various jars in it's distrib. These are all already available to the JBoss classloader and the hint from MANIFEST.MF will generate a warning that can be safely ignored, since the jars will not be in the expected place. If you don't like the warnings, simply edit the MANIFEST.MF to remove the dependencies. How do I deploy my WAR ? (revised: 02/06/2003)Copy it to server/You can also deploy it unpacked i.e. make a directory called e.g. my.war/, go into it and unjar your webapp then symlink/copy the whole directory into deploy/ as above. It should be treated in exctly the same way as above. If you update/touch the packed WAR or the unpacked This is all standard JBoss stuff and will work for anything that JBoss knows how to deploy. How do I control the context my WAR is deployed at ? (revised: 02/06/2003)If you are deploying the war by itself (no ear) you can simply name itHow do I deploy a WAR to the '/' context (revised: 02/06/2003)When I deploy my app foo.war to JBoss, it gets installed at /foo. I want it at /.You have two choices. 1. The standard J2EE way - wrap your .war in an .ear and in the .ear's application.xml you can specify the required 2. The proprietary JBoss extension - put a jboss-web.xml into your .war's WEB-INF directory and specify the N.B. Standalone Jetty supports a Tomcat-ism. Call the file ROOT.war and deploy this standalone - i.e. without a surrounding ear. (This is CASE-SENSITIVE - careful on Windoze). HOWEVER THIS WILL NOT WORK WITH JBOSS/JETTY. The integration code bypasses this Jetty code and (currently) makes no attempt to replace it. (CHECK THIS). Note that a context path specification in a META-INF/application.xml file will take precedence over the WEB-INF/jboss-web.xml specification. I want my sessions saved while I bounce JBoss - just like Tomcat (revised: 02/06/2003)We expect to support this feature very soon - watch this space.I want to disable session tracking via Cookie on Jetty (revised: 02/06/2003)There are two main standard ways that a browser/servlet-container cooperate to maintain session attachment. Url-rewriting and Cookies.To force Jetty not to use a Cookie for this purpose, there is a setUsingCookies method that needs to be called on the WebApplicationHandler object. This can be called from the XML in a WEB-INF/jetty-web.xml file:
So - tell me about Distributable HttpSessions... (revised: 02/06/2003)An HttpSession is an object used in a WebApp to isolate and maintain conversational state between requests.A WebApp may be described as 'distributable' in it's WEB-INF/web.xml. The J2EE spec requires that a 'distributable' webapp's sessions may be 'migrated' between nodes of a cluster - i.e. dynamically moved from one webapp instance to another running in a different address space.. Many AppServers extend this fn-ality from simply allowing explicit migration to providing failover i.e. If one node undergoes a catastrophic failure it's sessions will still be available to other instances of the same WebApp within the cluster. Thus these conversations may be reprised by other nodes with the relevant client. How do I set up Distributable HttpSession support? (revised: 02/06/2003)Currently JavaGroups is the favoured medium for Jetty session distribution.Ensure that your network allows JavaGroups to multicast as required - see docs on the JavaGroups site. (HINT - JBoss clustering also uses JavaGroups, so if this is working, you are OK). Ensure that you are running the 'all' JBoss configuration (run.sh -c all) as 'default' and 'minimal' do not ship with the JavaGroups jar. Uncomment the JGStore section (a) in your $JBOSS_HOME/server/all/deploy/jbossweb.sar/META-INF/jboss-service.xml. Ensure that you have a Support for distributable functionality is a [deliberately] poorly spec-ed area and as such supported by different vendors in different ways. There will shortly be comprehensive, for-pay documentation about Mort Bay's implementation for Jetty available from this site. Watch this space. Editing the jboss-service.xml (revised: 02/06/2003)You may need to unpack the plugin.sar to get at the jboss-service.xml. You do not need to repack it, if you think you will be reediting it - just make a directory called deploy/jbossweb.sar and unjar the contents of the sar into it - JBoss will understand it in just the same way as the packed sar.(the jbossweb.sar/jetty-plugin.sar was shipped jarred in early 3.0.x releases). I want to use a Virtual Host (revised: 02/06/2003)Virtual hosts are an area currently not (AFAIK) addressed by the J2EE spec (1.3). However this is supported as of JBoss2.4.5 via a proprietary extension mechanism.To define a virtual host, add a line of the following form to your webapp's WEB-INF/jboss-web.xml file. Here is the DTD: jboss-web_3_0.dtd Note that you will also need your system configured appropriately to map this name to your machines IP address. I want to use more than one Virtual Host for a webapp (revised: 02/06/2003)Unfortunately the proprietary JBoss descriptor (WEB-INF/jboss-web.xml) does not yet support this.Fortunately the proprietary Jetty descriptor (WEB-INF/jetty-web.xml) does - since it is just a thin XML veneer over the Java classes API. Try a WEB-INF/jetty-web.xml something like this :
What about JSR77 ? (revised: 06/06/2003)Initial integration of JBoss JSR77 support and Jetty internals has been checked into the 3.2 and 4.0 branches. Access to the JSR77 MBeans should be possible from the jmx-console or web-console.The integration creates an MBean for each servlet. If you are deploying large numbers of servlets over and over again, in e.g. a development iteration, this can be time-consuming. To disable this feature, set the SupportJSR77 attribute in your jbossweb.sar/META-INF/jboss-service.xml to false. I want to change where Jetty writes it's temporary files. (revised: 02/06/2003)Jetty, being a good java citizen, respects the 'java.io.tmpdir' property (defaults to /tmp on Unix). Try setting this as you start up JBoss (see the following item) to your required directory e.g. $JBOSS_HOME/server/default/tmp.I want to change the port that Jetty listens on (revised: 02/06/2003)Eitherstart jboss something like this :
JAVA_OPTS="-Djetty.port=8085" ./run.sh If you are on Windoze, figure out how to pass the above properties into your JVM.... Or edit ..../deploy/jbossweb.sar/META-INF/jboss-service.xml's ConfigurationElement to reflect your needs. I want to run on 80, not 8080 (revised: 02/06/2003)Have a look hereI want to run with Apache (revised: 02/06/2003)Have a look hereThe latest version of the AJP Connector will receive it's jvmRoute attribute from mod_jk (if you are doing sticky load-balancing). It should no longer be set manually via your jboss-service.xml/jetty.xml/jetty-web.xml.
Explain this Java2ClassLoadingCompliance JMX attribute to me (revised: 02/06/2003)The Java language spec says a ClassLoader should always check it's parent for a class it is asked for (delegate up). The servlet spec implies that it should try to find the class locally (i.e. in the .war file) first.These different requirements cannot be reconciled and lead to differing behaviours. Jetty allows you to choose the strategy you require via this flag. I want to use SSL (revised: 02/06/2003)Look in the jbossweb.sar/META-INF/jboss-service.xml file for an example of how to configure an SSL listener for Jetty. You will also find some useful tips in the Jetty FAQ and Jetty SSL demoI want to use JAAS (revised: 02/06/2003)If you require JAAS authentication, The name of the request attribute in which you expect to find the JAAS active subject may be configured at the server level for the JettyService by editing the SubjectAttributeName attribute in jboss-service.xml (see above), or via the jmx-console or web-console. The attribute's value defaults to j_subject.What about Single Sign On (SSO) support ? (revised: 02/06/2003)Initial SSO support has just gone into Jetty-4.2.10pre0 and will shortly be rolled into a JBoss release. Drill down here.OK, I'm up and running, but I get a 404 when I hit 'localhost:8080/' (revised: 02/06/2003)JBoss comes with no root webapp preinstalled, so starting it up and hitting localhost:8080/ may result in your receiving a "404 Not Found" error, although more recent versions of Jetty (4.2.4rc0+) now trap this and return a more useful page. This is NOT a problem with your installation. It IS correct behaviour. If you want to see something there, deploy something.Everything works fine for a while and then my content suddenly disappears. (revised: 02/06/2003)You probably have a process periodically sweeping old files out of e.g /tmp. See the item above.Here is a MacOSX-specific solution: Q: JBoss3/Jetty on Mac OS X stops serving JSPs and displays an directory listing instead of my site. What's going on? A: On Mac OS X, a file called "/etc/periodic/daily/500.daily" describes how often /tmp files are to be cleaned up. By default, it wipes files after three days. If you do not specify a temporary directory explicitly for Jetty/JBoss with the startup parameter "java.io.tmpdir" for Jetty to unpack to, it will default to the temp directory for the system. On Mac OS X, this is "/tmp". Modify your JBoss startup script "run.sh" to include a "java.io.tmpdir" system property: like so:
JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS -Dprogram.name=$PROGNAME -Djava.io.tmpdir=$JBOSS_HOME/server/default/tmp" (or wherever you want that is not being wiped clean regularly.) Thanks, Damon Jetty moans about elements in my web.xml not being allowed in this position (revised: 02/06/2003)... but my webapp deploys on ANOther webcontainer. What is going on ?The XML parser is being strict about the ordering of elements (as per spec). Look at web-app_2_3.dtd and ensure that the elements in your web.xml appear in exactly the same order. You are now assured of MAXIMUM portability for your webapp. Or, set the system property : org.mortbay.xml.XmlParser.NotValidating to "true". Sometimes when I copy apps into .../deploy/ I get "invalid LOC header" errors (revised: 02/06/2003)This is because JBoss started to read and deploy the file before the copy had finished. For 100% safe deployment, copy your file to a temporary space on the same filesystem as the deploy dir, then move/rename it into the deploy dir. This will be an atomic operation for your filesystem, so JBoss will see the whole file appear in one go, not a file gradually increasing in size. Alternatively, you can use the JMX interface to pass the url of the app that you want deployed - see JBoss doc.java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.mortbay.j2ee.session.JGStore - Why ? (revised: 02/06/2003)Your webapp is described as distributable in it's WEB-INF/web.xml - you should be sure that this is intended as distributing HttpSessions adds considerable overhead to their use...AND You have NOT uncommented the JGStore block in .../deploy/jbossweb.sar/META-INF/jboss-service.xml. Why is this commented out ? ...because it requires JavaGroups, which is only available in the 'all' server configuration. So you will need to either 'run.sh -c all' or copy the JavaGroups jar into whichever configuration you are using. See this item. I want to use Jikes to compile my JSPs (revised: 02/06/2003)Look at JettyWithJikes. Then read the comments in and edit .../deploy/jbossweb.sar/webdefault.xmlJSP Precompilation - What, Why and How ? (revised: 02/06/2003)(the examples in this item are for Jasper1 - pre JBoss-3.2. I have not yet tried precompilation with Jasper2).If you include a .jsp in your .war and hit it, Jasper (the JSP engine) will find the JSP, transform it into a .java, compile that into a .class, load and run it, returning the output. The .class file is then cached and reused on subsequent hits. This can lead to at least 4 problems. 1). You might prefer to be notified of compile errors during your development cycle - rather than post deployment. 2). The first person to hit the page will have to wait a while whilst this process is carried out. 3). If you are deploying into a heavily loaded site, it is possible that a page may be hit again before the first hit has finished it's on-the-fly preparation. This may result in more than one concurrent attempt at compiling the page, resulting in unecessary load on the server and more than one user waiting a long time for the resource that they have requested. 4). The more jars JBoss contains/has-deployed, the longer each JSP compilation may take, since to be sure that the JSP is seeing the classes that it expects to find, I have to put every class known to JBoss on the classpath. It looks as if there are related memory and file-descriptor leaks - caveat emptor. The way out of all these problems is to PRECOMPILE YOUR JSPs - i.e. Do what Jasper would do lazily, preemptively during your development iteration. Doing this results in the further following advantages: - your production site may consider the presence of a compiler a security breach. Precompiled JSPs do not need one. - dispatch of request to servlet is simpler and therefore quicker since it goes direct from Jetty->Servlet and not Jetty->Jasper->Servlet. Here is a mail I sent to jboss-user to help someone who wanted to do this: I have just fixed up the JBoss website to precompile JSPs. This is a diff showing the code I added to the build.xml and this is a diff showing what I added to the web.xml web.xml The comment line in the web.xml MUST be after the last and before the first directive. JspC will generate some xml The rest you will have to figure out for yourself - it is well commented. You will probably not need some of the workarounds I have had to retrofit..... Since adding this item I have found the following : 1). Throwing a lot of concurrent requests at compile-on-the-fly JSPs can make Jasper simply fall about and complain about files not existing. Remove the load and hit the same page and it is returned no problem - conclusion compile-on-the-fly is simply not an option for enterprise level sites. 2). The JspC stuff referenced above fails to take into account welcome-files. Jetty will look for a file of the same name (e.g. index.jsp) (so you should make sure something is there - even if it is an empty file) and, if it exists, redirect the request to it. - Of course, you could probably remove the welcome-file directive and map your servlet directly. Since writing this item I have discovered a very useful Ant task - xmltask (www.oopsconsultancy.com) which enables you to cut and paste elements between XML files etc. It is particularly useful for reconstituting your web.xml after precompilation. There are many reports that Jasper2 does not preserve your JSP directory hierarchy in the resulting package hierarchy - I am awaiting a good solution (there may be a -p option to JspC?). A client of mine has recently sponsored the application of a patch to resolve this issue. It should make it's way into a Tomcat release very soon. Giving your include-only JSPs a suffix other than .jsp has been suggested, to avoid having JspC fail to compile them and then generate spurious elements for your web.xml... This item needs rationalisation - volunteers ? Don't delete JSP compilation results between JBoss instances. (revised: 02/06/2003)Frode Halvorsen posted this example jetty-web.xml to :
(http://groups.yahoo.com/group/jetty-discuss/message/5530) This should be put in .war/WEB-INF/jetty-web.xml. It effectively hardwires your app to always use the same dir for precompilation. Bouncing JBoss would normally result in the undeploying and redeploying of your webapp, which would clean up all associated working dirs... N.B. Some sites run periodic jobs to clean up old files in /tmp - so it might be advisable to choose somewhere else to site this dir...(See this item). Thanks, Frode I'm debugging a JSP and would like to use the Java source generated by Jasper (revised: 02/06/2003)Look in /tmp/Jetty__Why do my JSP pages create sessions although I do not use them? (revised: 02/06/2003)JSPs will implicitly create HttpSession objects for you. If you have a heavily loaded site, carrying thousands of sessions which you do not need can impose a substantial overhead. To avoid this, you can be explicit about your lack of need for an HttpSession by adding the following attribute to your JSP's 'page' directive.session="false" I've been looking on the Jetty website. It keeps talking about jetty.xml, but I don't have one... (revised: 02/06/2003)The contents of the Jetty.xml in Jetty/JBoss are now embedded in jbossweb.sar/META-INF/jboss-service.xml. They are the value of the attribute: ConfigurationElement.Packaging - to SAR or not to SAR (revised: 02/06/2003)Jetty is currently deployed as anCons: because the configuration is buried in deploy/jbossweb.sar/META-INF/jboss-service.xml it is not as easy to find as say : deploy/mail-service.xml. you have to keep unpacking/repacking the sar - NO YOU DON'T. JETTY IS NOW DEPLOYED UNPACKED. Pros: New releases of Jetty can be distributed as a single drop-in sar. The sar (being a jar) can be signed If you are running a farm, having jetty packaged in sar means that you can upgrade the service across the whole cluster just by replacing your current sar with the new one. I think that a sar is more J2EE - that is the configuration is held in a descriptor, which is in the deployable, with it's implementation, exactly where you would expect to find it. The jury is still out... I want to serve content from outside a war (revised: 02/06/2003)To serve external content, you can step outside the J2EE way of doing things and use Jetty's proprietary configuration mechanism to tell it to serve pages from anywhere on your disc.Add something like this to the ConfigurationElement in jbossweb.sar/META-INF/jboss-service.xml, to serve static pages:
This example maps the context /documents to the directory /docroot, so to retrieve e.g. /docroot/myfile.html you would hit . For CGI, see below... For other dynamic content, you can do the same sort of thing, but add servlet handlers etc. to the context. I want to play around with WebServices (revised: 02/06/2003)Look at the JBoss.Net. I believe it packages up Axis and a WebService aware deployer so that you can just bundle your classes and descriptor and drop them into deploy. They will be deployed into Axis running on Jetty and you can get on with developing the application instead of fiddling around with the plumbing.Close integration with Jetty enables it to deliver EJB 2.1/WebService features in JBoss4.0. I need support for CGI (revised: 02/06/2003)Jetty comes equipped with a CGI Servlet, which you should be able to add either to your webapp's standard web.xml like this (I'm not sure that this is working correctly. If not, use the proprietary config below):
or the server-wide, proprietary ConfigurationElement in jboss-service.xml like this:
This is fine on Unix (on which I developed this servlet), on Windows you should be alright as long as you are running .exes. If you want to run scripts I believe that there is an issue with the way that Java execs subprocesses which will try to run the script direct without the interpreter (hence the optional commandPrefix attribute which allows you to specify an interpreter...). BTW - This will not be as fast as using e.g. mod_perl in Apache (which caches it's Perl interpreters?), since it fires off a fresh process everytime it is hit.... Separation of Web & EJB tiers (revised: 02/06/2003)Whilst there are obvious advantages to running web & EJB tiers within the same VM, you may find that your architecture requires the separation of these two tiers into remote processes.Currently the only way to achieve this is to sacrifice the work that has been done on the Jetty/JBoss integration (which is in-VM) and simply run stand-alone Jetty instances which are configured to use a remote JBoss instance as their JNDI server. Thus your web-content becomes a standard EJB client. Jetty JNDI can be persuaded to use a JBoss instance for it's InitialContext's in two ways: 1. Specify System properties as you start Jetty e.g.
-Djava.naming.factory.initial=org.jnp.interfaces.NamingContextFactory -Djava.naming.provider.url= 2. Specify System properties in a config file. Create a file called jndi.properties with the following two lines (and put the jndi.properties file into the classpath of the client): java.naming.factory.initial=org.jnp.interfaces.NamingContextFactory java.naming.provider.url=
I suspect, although have not tried, that the second solution would be the better one - since you may be able to package the jndi.properties file in your.war/WEB-INF/classes (it depends on whether InitialContext uses getClass().getClassLoader()or Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader()to find the file...) I hope, when I have time, to write a RemoteJettyService which will behave just like the local one.... (Thanks to the JBoss FAQ for these solutions). Turning on debug in Jetty (revised: 02/06/2003)Jetty provides a CodeMBean available through the JMX HTML Adaptor. Switching on debug here (with a verbosity level of e.g. '9') will cause Jetty debug output to be passed to JBoss. If JBoss debug output is not enabled you will see no Jetty debug output. JBoss debug output is echoed into server/
Development (revised: 02/06/2003)There is a 'devel' target in the build.xml which should rebuild and deploy the plugin then (perhaps) run the WebIntegration test suite. You need a JBoss up and running.
Where can I go for Jetty/JBoss help? (revised: 02/06/2003)
I'd like to contribute to this FAQ (revised: 02/06/2003)Mail your contribution to me () or - thanks.I'd like to Sponsor OpenSource work in this area... (revised: 02/06/2003)"Jetty/JBoss is great, but there is one piece of missing fn-ality that my project requires. I would like to sponsor it's development and addition to the project..."Please drop a mail and tell me about it... :-) I'd like a Jetty/JBoss support contract (revised: 02/06/2003)Please contact Core Developers Network's .Who is the author/maintainer of Jetty ? (revised: 02/06/2003)Who is the author/maintainer of the Jetty/JBoss integration ? (revised: 02/06/2003)If you have any further questions about the integration which you feel should be discussed in this document, please let me know, Enjoy, Jules (21/02/2002) |
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