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Mapping CMRs to SQL DatabasesThis article describes the mechanisms used by JBoss CMP to map Container Managed Relationships (CMR) defined in the EJB tier to relational databases using SQL. Familiarity is assumed with the operation of relationships from the EJB perspective as described in the Container Managed Realtionships article. Relational modeling supports four main types of relationships:
In the database all relationships are implicitly navigable in both directions. For One-to-Many or Many-to-One relationships, which entity is the primary and which is the secondary is determined by the multiplicity - only the secondary can be on the Many end. For One-to-One relationships, either can be the primary and the choice is typically determined by physical concerns; indeed although not truly normalized, physical concerns often justify using two One-to-One relationships with each end as the primary. Issues Mapping CMRs and Database RelationshipsThere is not a simple mapping between CMRs and the relationships in a relational database. One area of complexity is that EJB does not specifically deal with the concept of aggregation (except partially with cascade-delete). The specification allows for the initialization of fields in ejbCreate() and for realtionships in ejbPostCreate(), but does not address how that initialization maps to the Identifying and Mandatory relationships found in databases. This leaves it to container vendors to determine behaviour. The specification also does not address the potential overlap between cmp-fields and cmr-fields if they happen to map to the same physical meme (such as the same column). The behaviour in such circumstances is undefined, although in reality most vendors use mappings of this nature to support Identifying and Mandatory relationships in a similar manner. Finally, EJB defines the notion of navigability with realtionships being Uni- or Bi- Directional. CMRs are made navigable by declaring a cmr-field and defining an accessor method. In a relational database, however, relationships are always navigable in both directions. The result of this is that different definitions at the EJB level may be supported by the same database configuration; for example, a Optional foreign key relationship between Order and LineItem could be used to support a Uni-Directional One-to-Many CMR from Order to LineItem, a Uni-Directional Many-to-One CMR from LineItem to Order, a Bi-Directional One-To-Many CMR between Order and LineItem, or even a Bi-Directional One-to-One CMR. Indeed, a Relation-Table mapping can support any CMR, although not necessarily as efficiently. As a result, there are many different mappings between EJB relationships and database relationships. The following sections describe the mechanisms supported in JBoss. Optional RelationshipsOptional relationships are the easiest to establish from both the EJB and database perspective. They are the most portable relationship between vendors as they do not rely on any overlapping field definitions; however, they provide the least database-level checking in the validity of the data and are often unpopular with DBAs. From the database perspective, an optional relationship is a foreign key constraint with nullable columns. Example SQL for the Order-LineItem relationship would be: CREATE TABLE ORDER_DATA ( The declaration of this in ejb-jar.xml would be:
In the EJBs, all access to the relationship is handled by the CMR fields resulting in a very simple implementations: public abstract class OrderEJB implements EntityBean { To map this EJB relationship to the database, the following entries must be defined in jbosscmp-jdbc.xml:
A critical thing to note is the key-fields element that defines the mapping between the primary key field orderId and the foreign key column FK_ORDER_ID. This definition is placed in the ejb-relationship-role element for the "One" side of the relationship; in other words on the role that corresponds to the primary key side and not on the role where the foreign key columns are located. This is particularly important for One-to-One relationships where potentially either side could be used as the primary. In fact, for a One-to-One relationship the key-fields element can be specified on both sides which supports a denormalised relation. The relationship between an Order and a LineItem can be established in a couple of different ways. One option is to simply create both and then add the Lineitem to the Set of those for an Order: OrderLocal newOrder = orderHome.create(orderId); An alternative is to associate the lineitem with the order during its creation: OrderLocal newOrder = orderHome.create(orderId); Both these approaches will result in the same SQL statements being executed: INSERT INTO ORDER_DATA(ORDER_ID) VALUES(orderId); The INSERT statements are executed between the calls to ejbCreate() and ejbPostCreate(), first for Order and then for LineItem; the UPDATE statement will be deferred until the end of the transaction (unless some other synchoronization event occurs). Mandatory RelationshipsThe simplicity of the Optional Relationship is possible because a NULL value can be inserted into the foreign key columns. This is necessary because the relationship cannot be initialized using the cmr-field set accessor until ejbPostCreate(). The EJB specification does not allow cmr-field accessors to be used in ejbCreate() so when the row is inserted no relationship exists. For a Mandatory relationship, this is not valid and will result in a CreateException. One way of solving this issue is to ensure all mandatory column values are known before ejbCreate() returns. As cmr accessors cannot be used, this must be done using cmp-field accessors, which requires an overloaded mapping between the EJB fields and the columns in the database table. As a quick aside, some other containers implement this by deferring the insert until after ejbPostCreate() has been called. However, this means that no row is present in the database at this time leading to potential integrity issues. Also many databases use identity columns to generate primary keys which requires an insert to be performed; if the insert is delayed, the primary key is not known when ejbPostCreate() is called which is a violation of the specification. The database structure for a Mandatory Relationship is identical to an Optional except that the foreign key columns are NOT NULL: CREATE TABLE ORDER_DATA ( In order to initialize this relationship in ejbCreate(), an additional cmp-field is required in the LineItem EJB which maps to the foreign key column:
The definition in jbosscmp-jdbc.xml is also identical to the Optional one except for the additional cmp-field:
This cmp-field must be initialized in ejbCreate() and the simplest mechanism is to pass in a reference to the appropriate Order EJB: public abstract class LineItemEJB implements EntityBean { Note that the form of create that just took an itemId is no longer useful as a LineItem cannot be created without association to an Order. The relationship is automatically initialized by assigning the cmp-field and so there is no need to call the cmr set accessor in ejbPostCreate(). Due to the dual mapping, it is possible to change the relationship outside ejbCreate() by setting a new orderId using the cmp-field. However, such practice is confusing and should be avoided. Identifying RelationshipsAn Identifying relationship is very similar to a Mandatory one in that the relationship must be initialized during ejbCreate() and before the row is inserted into the database. However, because the primary key of the child depends on the parent, any attempt to modify the relationship once ejbCreate() has returned will result in an IllegalStateException; this is because changing the related parent would require a change to the primary key which is explicitly prohibited. JBoss is very strict about this and simply invoking the set accessor will cause the Exception, even if the object being set is identical to the current object. The database structure is the same as for a Mandatory relationship except that the foreign key field is now included in the primary key: CREATE TABLE ORDER_DATA ( No index is typically needed on the FK_ORDER_ID column as it forms the first part of the primary key. The LineItem EJB now has a compound primary key so we can no longer use a simple integer but must specify a specific primary key class. This changes the ejb-jar.xml definition as follows:
The LineItemPK class must be defined with fields named after the cmp-fields: public abstract class LineItemPK implements Serializable { The mapping in jbosscmp-jdbc.xml is identical to the Mandatory case:
Relation-Table MappingsRelation-table mappings typicaly support Many-to-Many relationships that cannot be modeled in the database using a single foreign-key. Whilst it is possible to model other relationships using them, it is generally less common. An example of a Many-to-Many relationship would be that between a Product and a ProductCategory: a Product can be in multiple categories and a ProductCategory would contain many products. A database definition for this could be: CREATE TABLE PRODUCT ( The two indexes allow for access from Product to ProductCategory and from ProductCategory. The definition of this relationship in ejb-jar.xml is very simple. Each EJB's definition includes a cmp-field for its primary key and a multi-valued cmr-field for accessing the other one:
The EJB implementation for this type of relationship comprises the definitions of the accessors for the primary key cmp-fields and the multi-valued cmr-fields: public abstract class Product immplements EntityBean { The bulk of the configuration occurs in jbosscmp-jdbc.xml:
When a relationship is established, the a row will be inserted into relation table. For example, the code: ProductLocal product = productHome.create(productId); would result in the following SQL statements being issued: INSERT INTO PRODUCT(PRODUCT_ID) VALUES(productId) |
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